Cycling day 44: Freuchie to Musselburgh

Today’s cycling followed mainly quiet roads before crossing the Forth Road Bridge and not long afterwards through Edinburgh. On the way into Edinburgh I met another cyclist and we chatted […]...
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Cycling day 43: Carnoustie to Freuchie

The route today was again following National Cycle Route 1, but before I set off this morning I did a little surveying of some cycle paths I’d seen in Carnoustie. […]...
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Cycling day 41: Ellon to Stonehaven

I passed through Aberdeen today following National Cycle Route 1. It’s interesting to note how white many of the cycle route signs are in the city. In one case somebody […]...
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Cycling day 40: MacDuff to Ellon

I made very good progress again today and it was clear that I’d arrive well ahead of target if I continued at that rate. So I extended today’s ride by […]...
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